Through the Family and Faith program, parents – as the first educators of their children – are invited into a deeper and more intimate relationship with the person of Jesus Christ.

Family Mass:

  • Each grade is welcomed to attend a Family Mass followed by Morning tea. 
  • Students and parents are invited to participate through welcoming, readings and offertory procession. 
  • Parishioners connect with the school community after Mass.

Toddler tales:

  • Parents are invited from the parish and school to join Toddler tales – parents and toddlers engage in an activity each week.
  • Provides opportunity for parents to ask questions, connect with other parents in the community, to play/learn alongside their child and expose their child to faith early.

Take home gifts for sacraments:

  • For each sacrament, the Family Educator offers the opportunity after school for the community to increase their relationship with their faith to create a gift for receiving the sacrament. Students and parents create their gift together to celebrate this special time.

Stop, Prayer and Reflect 

  • Stop, Pray and Reflect (SPaR) opportunities – parents invited into classrooms to pray with their children. 

 Parent Excursions

  • Parents are invited on excursions/spirituality days  to further develop their own faith.